I have a current, state of the art Night Vision Scope. Truly an unbelievable device. While in the Florida swamp, I could look at a featureless black place and see ducks with enough detail to see their markings. Of course it was in green monochrome. I found mine under my pillow. I was a very good boy and it was left by the Toy Fairy. Keep checking your pillow. <br><br>Until then, I will reveal my SECRET PLANS for the NOMADS LASAR TARGETED ELEPHANT TRANQUILIZER GUN. Before the arrival of the Toy Fairy, I had been messing about with Infrared imaging using camcorders. It became apparent that most camcorders are very sensitive to Infrared light. To test this, find a camcorder with an electronic viewfinder (not an optical viewfinder) and flash an infrared controller such as a TV controller at the camera. You will see a series of very bright flashes. Next try viewing in the dark using the TV controller as the light source. I could see things about 10 feet away with the single LED of the flashing TV controller. This proves the concept.<br><br>Infrared light sources are rather easy to find as surplus. Failing that, you can make one. I have a cheap surveillance TV camera with 6 LED lights. They provide enough light to see clearly for about 50 feet. You could make your own, or use one of the commercial infrared LED flashlights. <br><br>While surfing the web, I found an article (that I can’t find now) about using exposed color film as an infrared filter. I assume they meant the leader on an exposed roll of color negative film. I would suggest going to a commercial photo studio and begging a piece of exposed color negative cut film (large format individual sheets of film, 4x5 inches or larger). They often run outdated film thru their processors for testing and probably have some in the trash. This is a very stiff piece of film and could easily be cut into several filters for a mag or similar light. <br><br>So now you have a rather sensitive infrared viewer and light source. But how do you use this with the tranquilizer gun? Well it takes two people. Tape a small laser pointer to the camera so that it puts its dot in the center of your image. You might put a small tube over the end of the laser to inhibit side viewing of the light. One would then have to be directly in line with the laser to see the light source. Then proceed to the jungle and find a likely place for elephants. Scan thru the infrared sourced camera until you see an elephant. When you find one within range of the tranquilizer gun, point the camera at the elephants flank (or other target area) and press the button on the laser pointer. Thru the camera the dot will be brilliant. When you are sure you are targeted on the correct piece of the elephants anatomy, flash the light several times. The shooter need only aim at the brilliant red dot, having faith that beyond the dot is an elephant.<br><br>A similar method is used by the military to guide much more nasty ordinance. Good luck. <br>
...........From Nomad.........Been "on the road" since '97