Hi Craig,

Where did you see that? I'd be curious to know what parts he wasn't happy with and why. There was so much wrong that I'm surprised he would still want his name attached to the project. Some of the advice was pretty terrible, and that's just with my limited understanding... I'm no DR, but I can tell bulls**t when I see it.

One other thing, I like the Survivorman show as well as many of the others here, but I think the Ultimate Survivor and Survivorman both suffer from the whole deadline thing. More often, I'd like to see them hunker down for that set time period and not attempt to leave every week. The 5 day time limit on Ultimate Survivor seemed rather aritrary, but it certainly set the stage for foolhardy adventure. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I think Les could do more (no pun intended) with showing how he gets water, insulates himself, etc. Actually showing techniques instead of glossing over all of that. I've seen enough moving through the jungle or dragging a pouch on ice montages for a while...
Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.