If the facts are accurate, as you present them, then I don't believe this person's position is defensible. You've suggested circumstances other than an unintentional or one-time occurrence, but merely "practice" situations.

At best, doing as you describe demonstrates poor judgment, and at worst, is violating the law. Honestly, I'm hard pressed to believe someone "well known" (which suggests to me well-respected) would do as you described. I hate to split hairs, but the term "survivalist" can mean a lot of different things too.

I would be interested to know what you classify as "sensitive." I trust you're not including a rainbow trout, a squirrel, or some such, in that category.


Edit: I see you just posted more info that addresses some of my questions.

Edit #2 This is about to get interesting.

Edited by xbanker (03/12/06 11:42 AM)
"Things that have never happened before happen all the time." — Scott Sagan, The Limits of Safety