I EDC a becker necker and indeed the handle is small. I use what I call a finger lanyard on all my small knives. It is a small loop tied at the rear, top hole in the becker. The loop is just big enough so that I can stick my first and second fingers thru the loop. The other two fingers are outside the loop. The length is just right so that my hand grips the knife in the normal way. The short loop prevents my hand from moving twords the blade and provides a great deal of stability to the grip. Try it.

I wrap the handle using the ?striker? method. Then I just tuck the loop into one of the handle wraps which keeps it out of the way when not in use.

Given a choice I would carry my BK-10 crewman so normally I like big handled knives. But this method actually eliminates the small handle problem and makes the necker into a very useful and lightweight EDC.

I will try to photograph the arrangement, but my life is a bit hectic at the moment so it might be awhile. Hope the description will suffice.
...........From Nomad.........Been "on the road" since '97