*laughs* A class 5 hurricane, any earthquake over R6, tornado of any size, these are things that you can't design something to stand in front of and say with a straight face that it WILL survive.

Probably survive, sure. But when you build on a fault or below the flood plain, there are certain risks you are assuming. I know too many civil engineers who laugh at suggestions like a completely reliable levy to do anything but laugh with them. There are too many variables that come into play to say what kind of natural event a human structure will withstand. Survive the winds, sure, they don't stick up all that much. Survive the storm surge, probably. But you have no idea how fast or in what direction a hurricane will move until has moved, and the rain it will drop is what will get the levys.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.