My PSK is also my EDC. I have it in my pockets and on me at all times. I work in an office, so I must dress business casual, and not look like Batman. My keychain is used all the time and it has a compass, BSA hotspark, whistle, safety pin, P38, Photon light and USB drive. In my wallet I have basic firstaid, duck tape, spare batteries for Photon, razor blade, large paper clip. I also carry a PSK wallet that has such items as leatherman micra, spare AA, meds, lighter, firestarter, 12' of paracord, duct tape, sliver griper, sewing kit. I also have my knife, Leatherman Juice KF4 and Fenix L1P with me always. I use most of this stuff just about every day. You know the saying about the best survival knife is the one you have with you. When I am out in the woods, I have extra equipment in a backpack for wilderness needs.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" Theodore Roosevelt