You reminded me that I have meant to publicly thank Barry for going the extra mile. I needed some hard to find stuff in a hurry before I went over the pond to London and Barry got the goods to me super quickly and very inexpensively. I have absolutely no financial interest in Blueline, but this is a resource that we can't afford to take for granted and really need to support. Whenever I buy anything from now on, I am going to first see if Blueline has it, or can get it. His profit margin for these items can't be much, especially in that he breaks it up and sells us individual items we would otherwise have to buy in bulk. We need to keep this guy in business.<br> <br>By the way, if you are like me and have trouble getting started on putting together a decent psk, Blueline sells a "combat survival kit" made by B.C.B. International (Doug has reviewed it). They are very inexpensive (I think about $20) and Barry sends along a page of suggestions on how to improve it. If you follow those suggestions and Doug's, you very quickly end up with a serviceable kit to use while you are trying to learn the ins and outs and assemble your own "perfect" kit (which may NEVER happen in my case). This isn't very meaningful to the pros out there, but a great help to those like me (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) who are the "survival illiterate". <br><br> Robb<br><br>