This is old news to many of you; but, I was over at Radio Shack and asked if they had a small wire stripper/cutter/crimper. They showed me a Leatherman Squirt that Leatherman makes exclusively for Radio Shack. You can view it at .
It does NOT have any type of crimper but seems OK. The file is all metal—I wish it had a diamond file with a different grit size on each side. The blade is ground on one side only which I do not care for.
Now, that I am half way into this posting (and do not know how to cancel the it), I see that other posts have mentioned the Squirt EL. When I originally read those earlier posts, I assumed that the EL was either the pliers or scissors version.
It would be nice if multitools came with some other option than a knife blade. Then many of them might pass airport security. On the SOG Crossgrip that I EDC, I am trying to replace the blade with the scissors from a SAK Classic. To do such, it looks like the width of the tweezers will have to be made smaller. The scissors (I think) will be useable but will not lock into position as on the original SAK.