This is something that I have personally found out in the jungles of Malaysia, Colombia, Sarawak, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Lop Buri<Thailand> and Irian Jaya.<br>For every plant that provides you rashes, there will always be antidotes within usually 20 feet of the posionous plants.It can either be the dried sap of a tree or the roots. And as a further note, if ever you experidnce a tingling or heaty sensation on any part of your body, DO NOT wash cos you will only encourage the rashes to spread all over. If it happens, either rub salt mixed with your saliva to the effected area or with powdered dried sap or smashed roots of the healthiest and greenest plant near the poisonous plant. Then....sit very close to an open fire BUT away from any winds.<br>If you think you have a bad stomach ache because of possibly poisonous food, just pull out any plants and bite the roots - find the ones with the most bitter taste and you'll soon be vomiting out everything from your gut.<br>If you're not sure whether a plant and its fruits are edible, there is another test besides the normal skin test - getthe sap or liquid out of the plant or fruit and put an ant in it. If the ant casually moves away, the plant isnt poisonous. If it is squirming here and there....stay way from the plant!<br>This is from my experience of operating several months alone in " hot areas "! It could well work for you, too.