So this is a backup of survival info? I think it's a good idea, but my first impression in reading this is that the intent is to use the information in a survival situation, in which case many survival situations will make using any kind of electronics impractical or impossible. It would do any good to have every survival guide you could ever want on a flash drive if you don't have anything to access it with.

Now if the intent is preservation of information and a way to have several survival tips in one place, then I'm all for it!

I'm not trying to be rude Bill, especially to someone new to the forum (welcome btw!), it's just that when I read the original post, it seemed that you might be intending it as a compact version of a bulkier guide.

You may want to solicit opinions from people here on the forum. For instance, one week post a request for opinions about methods of firemaking. Tips and tricks, favorite tools, improvised methods, what makes good natural tinder (in case we run out of Tinder Quik or Vaseline cotton balls!), etc. and compile those results. Then move on to opinions on what knots might be most useful ED and in survival situations. There are a lot of people with a lot of experience here, and I think they would be a great resource for this undertaking. I think that also helps with the copyright question, because people sharing there opinions on topics I believe falls under the "common knowledge" category and therefore is not copyrightable. (Note: I'm just a musician who's looked at copyright from that aspect, I'm not a copyright expert!) Here endeth the disclaimer <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Anyhew...let us know if we can help out, and again, welcome!
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)