I think that sounds like a great idea. My only thought is that 1GB of data is a MASSIVE amount of data. I did a bit of number crunching, and came up with the following, just for fun <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

A 1,000,000 word text file is just under 5mb. That means that in 1gb, there will be about 200,000,000 words. The average human reads at 150wpm, so that means it will take the average person 1,333,333 minutes, or about 925 days to read 1gb of text files. Whem you take compression into consideration, you can pretty much double that 925 figure, taking you close to 2,000 days.

Maybe it might be a good idea to set your sights a little lower than 1GB? Even 128MB would probably be sufficient, and it will allow people with smaller USB drives or CD burners to make a copy as well. Plus a 1GB download will be kind of a pain, and will cost you a lot of money (bandwidth) if you end up hosting it yourself on a website.

Anyway though, I think that this is an excellent idea! Make sure to keep us updated on how it goes.