...I was just in here to shutdown the computer before hitting the road...<br><br>Sounds like you and I agree on the points you made. I also like & agree with the additional comment you made about symmetrical grips...<br><br>Hmmm - no offense taken and none intended - but your slip may be showing just a bit - how about we agree on not liking symmetrical grips on asymmetrical blades? Except for a "classic" Ka-Bar, and excluding some special purpose knives of the stabbing/thrusting ilk, I have not handled very many "military knives" that are indeterminate to the feel for orientation. Most, regardless of age, have an asymmetrical grip and/or asymmetrical guard/pommel configurations. <br><br>I don't collect the durn things, but there are a variety of "specimens" in the house that range in age from ~125 years old to current issue and from several countries - none have "orientation indifferent" grips. Actually, all but one of the ones I have are asymmetrical, and that one is no-mistaking orientation because of guard and balance. In my *limited* experience, most of those indifferent knives seem to be civilian-market knives aimed at Rambo wannabees to some degree. YMMV, of course, and I have not paid a lot of attention to that as those knives are generally not of "general" interest to me.<br><br>I *really* have to hit the road now...<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Tom<br><br>