No problem. I know that the feds have taken some well deserved hits in the past. Shelters remain the province and responsibility of the local and state folks, often with on-site management by the red cross. <br>The Guard has a different level of responsibility in disasters and teams like the USPHS DMAT's have another....pure medical and outreach.<br>There certainly is room for improvement, the move toward "CERT" teams is a step. I think that communities should take more responsibility locally for taking care of themselves, like the old Civil Defense model of the 50-60's.<br>Unfortunately, the Guard is , in my experience, trained in the warfare-mission realated tasks and not disaster related issues.<br>I agree with a number of the posts that criticize the deployment of guardsmen with unloaded weapons, I have been in that situation myself in the 70's. Anyone remember Kent State?? I do and am not eager to repeat the experience. Unfortunately, the guard does not have the luxury of unlimited training opportunities and they "powers that be" tend to throw them where they often don't really belong. (like airports......)