Yes , he's a weasel!<br><br>yet, you might be wrong in thinking that he wouldn't have made it. Here's one likely scenario that might have him and his whole familey getting through the winter. He hunts instead of farms during the summer, Probably "hunts" some of the free-range cattle while he's at it, Lays in bunches of jerky and bread, and moonshine and ammo. Doesn't think about firewood adequately or food for his livestock. Early in the winter he can't feed his livestock adequately so he eats them or converts them to jerky. Mid winter he runs out of firewood and starts to burn his out-buildings which he no longer needs since his livestock is gone. Late winter outbuildings are gone and jerky is running thin so he takes his ammo and appropriates the resources of his neighbors. He and his family make it but his neighbors might not. <br><br>His shelfish, law-breaking, no-honor approach to life speaks loudly about what is worst in man. Unfortunately this characteristic is neither new nor waning. Societies have always had to recognize, accept and guard against this type of element. It is better to form a village than to attempt to make it alone. It is niave to believe that the thief and murderer is not present. The thief and murderer is within us all, some of us manage to civilize ourselves and see the longer term value of cooperation over competition.