Hi Guys,<br><br>Just finished watching the latest Frontier House episodes. It was better than I thought it was going to be. Rather than just focusing on the interfamily squabbles they stated to get into the mechanics of how frontier people survived and made a living. It was interesting to see the economics of how valuable and expensive live stock was. <br><br>The Clunes really surprised me. I thought they would have packed up and caught the first stage home by now but they have really gotten their act together an are prospering and even enjoying they experience. Adrienne, who I thought was going to be a emotional wreck, has created her own bakery business and putting out some lovely baked goods from the most primitive of kitchens. The wedding cake she create was incredible especially compared with the monstrosity Karen created. It was also telling to see how Karen who had faulted the Clones about not asking for help, would not herself ask for a single egg but sent her daughter to beg for an egg. Gordon surprised me as well when he set up his own still. What a fantastically brilliant idea. The Clunes will become rich selling booze, while other will be trying to just get by with their cows and chickens. <br><br>I don't know why the women were complaining about not having makeup. I think they all looked quite good without it. I find the healtly honest glow they got from living outdoors is far more attractive than gobs of paint smeared on their faces. <br><br>It was also interesting to see how much weight all the guys had dropped. I thought Gorden was looking like a skeleton and was surprised when the Marine Doc said he was fine but just suffering from dehydration. That is a good lesson to remember about how important it is to drinking enough water. <br><br>On the other hand Karen Glen scares me. She has a serious god complex and is quick to pass judgment on anyone that does not follow her self-imposed "rules" and don't things the "right" way. She even claimed to be doing the moral thing and will have a clear conscience when she talks with here preacher back home. ??? Did I miss something? Was Karen always religious or just become religious when it became convenient so as to condemn others?<br><br>So who would I want to be stranded with in a mountain pass as an early winter's snow fall blocks our way?<br><br>I think Gordon is a real survivor. He would not let any thing get in the way of his survival or the survival of his family. But on the other hand I think he would have no problem dumping me in a second if he thought it would better his chances. <br><br>I think Karen Glen is a survivor too but I would be trying to strangle her after the first day. Talk about a "contentious and angry woman". Mark Glen should get the Saint award but Saints to often become martyrs. <br><br>Of the bunch Nate and Rudy Brooks would be the easiest to get along with when things go bad. And if they had the skill and strength to build their own log cabin then they would be worth their weight in Altoids boxes. <br><br>I don't know about the teenagers. They seem like bottomless food holes. But being young they would be tender and delicious. ;^)<br><br>Have fun<br>David Koelzer<br>