I will second you on the cult of blind brand followers. I mix and match my gear since this is the only way I can get stuff to fit me perfectly (and affordably). I never followed one brand loyally since even thou they got few things perfect they will fail somewhere. I mean I have few favorite brands that I will check out first but I will keep shopping until I find what I need. I will not buy a product that is missing few things just because I'm brand loyal. I believe that there are other alternatives and choosing your own brand is what makes you an intelligent customer. Also if you are looking down upon me because my pack is not what the latest tactical fashion dictates I think than you might be too much about gear and not enough about the task in hand. Now pricing is a totally different part of the story here. I personally can't afford many of the gear I would like. I trade a lot, looking for used items trying to complete the best items for as much as I can afford. Few years ago I got into 'made in the usa" argument about TAD fleece hoodie. I wanted justification on why a fleece hoodie costs $200 why even the Arcteryx jackets were $150. I got ganged up upon with statements like "made in the US", American fabrics and American design... Yeah its great but my American job didn’t want to pay for American made product. Everyone was screaming high American note but nobody mentioned how warm and functional it was. I ended buying it on sale and it is really great item. My points in the pre SuperBowl rambling are as follows:

1) Don’t be a blind brand follower
2) Don’t knock the brand you haven’t tried
3) Don’t use “made in the usa” as a main gear feature
4) Understand that some people can’t afford the most expensive gear
5) Agree that there are other brands out there that even if not suitable for you are perfectly good for others
6) Don’t knock the users of different brands. That’s like making fun about someones girlfriend.
7) Skill above gear.