Hi, I'm new here but a regular over at the Kifaru website so you can guess that my answer will be a very positive one as far as Kifaru quality goes. I have two Kifaru packs and they are truly excellent pieces of gear. There are many packs that will also do a good job for you at a lower price point (something to do with being made outside the U.S.A. that allows that) however for hunting and military use, Kifarus offer some features that other packs don't. They are also bombproof but designed to work. Their maker tests all the gear himself. He has the "difficult" task of taking Kifaru gear out on extended hikes in the high country to make sure it passes his standards. Great stuff sold by great people and a worthwhile investment. Again, you can certainly get good gear for less that may suit you just fine but if prefer something American made and of the highest quality, Kifaru is tough to beat.