Hi all,
Long time Lurker, just out from behind the wall panel!

A little background is in order. I'm in the Army still and spent my first 6 years as a Sapper (light combat engineer) and now I do smarter work in bomb disposal <img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> So over the last 18 years, I have put a lot of weight into a lot of different rucks and humped a lot of miles. My feet still hurt.

I carried a Kifaru MMR and Marauder in Afghanistan last year. Those rucks got ditched out of helo's and trucks into some of the roughest terrain I have ever seen, and they came out swinging.
I believe you need to ask yourself a serious question. What good is a warranty from Blackhawk or Kelty after TSHTF? Or in some god-forsaken backwater hole 200k's from the nearest civilization (that is probably hostile anyway)?
If you want to save a couple of bucks now and hurt a lot later, be my guest. But as for me, I'm glad that I waited another two paydays and bought these. They are truly the most comfortable rucks I've ever worn and I believe now, cannot be damaged with anything but explosives or mommy spit (this is the only known substance known to man to remove anything from anywhere, and can dissolve titanium and plutonium).
It may cost you a little more now, but it's worth it. Unless you intend on packing your camping gear into it and letting it sit in a closet for the next decade. If so, then by all means, buy a cheaper ruck, you probably wont ever need it....you hope!
If you do decide to go with them, spend the extra money and get the extra features like the fitted waist belt and shoulder straps, the extra grommets, and expansion hoods, if they come in handy once, they are worth it.

Your choice dude,
"There is no human problem that cannot be solved with an appropriate quantity of High Explosives!"