I have had similar thoughts. I just finished watching the episode where he has the plane crash parts. Seems like he makes some basic survival mistakes:

1) He states at the beginning that he would never go into wherever he was without a wool blanket and an axe (and his multi-tool and harmonica). Seems like if he was to survive a plane crash with that, he would have more equipment.

2) He fashions all types of equipment from the metal parts of the aircraft, but cannot make a cup to melt ice? So, he eats snow and ice, then complaints how cold he is.

3) Metal doors and such around, but never puts up a reflector behind the fire? Continues to complain about the cold.

4) Follows a trail through the snow, at night, with overcast? He would never cheat and use his night-vision camera or regular camera lights, would he?

5) What if he really got into trouble? I wonder if he carries an EPIRB?

I just check out his site (linked in the above post). In the FAQ, he states that he carries a sat phone, but with random tests, it only works about half of the time.

Edited by KI6IW (01/28/06 06:24 AM)
"We are not allowed to stop thinking"