I carry a Leatherman Micra on my keychain for everyday duty such as opening polybags, and other such small things. I carry a Buck 110 and a Maglite in a Nite-Ize pouch on my belt for almost everything. I have a Kershaw 1660 clipped inside my pocket as a self defense weapon in the event I ever need it and for some light duty stuff. I carry a seperate keychain in my manbag/purse with a Leatherman PSTII (I customized it), BSA firestarter, compass, whistle, airhose tubingstuffed with cottonball tinder with the ends heated closed. My next goal is to have a custom leather sheath made to hold the Buck 110, Maglite, and the Leatherman on my belt. I carry a total of five knives at all times, sometimes six if I take my 6" Bowie also.