In teaching hunter ed, we do a demonstration at the range of how different powders burn. We use at least half a dozen different modern smokeless powders poured sequentially along a trough of 1" angle iron. At the end we pour some 4f blackpowder. I get to light the thing off, using a butane grill lighter from the end opposite the bp. Typically, we start with a slow rifle powder, then alternate along the length between faster pistol powders and slow rifle powder of different composition appearance, so that the students can make out that it is different powders (in case they didn't see me pouring the load out in the first place). It takes a good half a minute to burn the 30 inches to the bp. Once it hits the 4f, that stuff goes up all at once making a small mushroom cloud and causing a few of the nearer students to flinch. There is a huge contrast between the bp and even the fastest of the smokeless stuff. It is not hard at all to get any of the powder going, but some of it was still burning a full thirty seconds after the bp went off, which might make it suitable as a tinder starter.

I'm inclined not to waste cartridges out in the field if I think it reasonable to use something else.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)