Recently had a problem with the battery on my Renault Clio. A cell collasped creating a short in the battery, it died basically. Renault size the smallest battery they can expecting it to die within two years. As this one did. I didn't know this at the time. Also a funny feature of this car is the engine immobilser. When there is no volts from the battery it defaults to off and has to be reset by the garage. So even if I'd repalced the battery myself I would still be stuck as I don't know how the resetting is achieved. (note to self find this out) (second note to self, don't bother the car was stolen last night. <img src="/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />) I refused the battery offered by the garage and sourced my own, one with a high or higher Amp Hour rating. Capable of supplying the umph when you need it.

The cables I have I got from a Heavy goods vehicle store rated at something like 1200A in rush. The best set I ever had were made for me when I used to be a designer of diesel generator sets. Had to give em back when I left the company.