NON, the connection procedure is outlined in an earlier post I made but I will post the link again. It tells you about all you will need to know.

On the subject of dead batterys, let me offer a little tip that might be of value. Dead batterys won't take a charge if 1) the battery has gone bad, or 2) if the alternator has quit charging. If you are far from home and at the mercy of some fly by night mechanic wanting to sell you an alternator, a quick check you can make is: With the engine running, remove the ground cable from the battery. If the engine continues to run with the cable removed, the alternator is good. 2) If the engine abruptly dies when you remove the ground cable, it is likely that the alternator is bad. With this test, you will at least have some idea of what your problem is.

Hope this helps.
"The more I carry, the less I need."