Between reading here and elsewhere, I think I will go for the nine. I called my local dealer (who's shortly going out of business! <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> ) this morning for a price quote...he'll have to get back to me tomorrow because of the holiday. I checked another store that has *some* Glocks in stock, and they had a high-cap G23 for only $509, so I should get a comparabile deal. Well, taking into account that I want night sights that is!

Now to other considerations (and apologies if this should be in a new thread - I just figure 'since we're all here...')

Holster: I've heard good things about the Milt Sparks Versa-Max 2. And being for a Glock, the backlog may not be *too* bad if they try to have some made ahead.

BUT then I consider that I won't be wearing the gun every day even after I get my permit. Even if I thought I could keep it concealed at work under the standard issue 'lab coat' that would be a flimsy cover garmet, it is verboten to have guns at the store. For most of the Monday-Friday time the only difference with a permit would be that I could keep the glove-box UN-locked with the gun there (but only when I'm IN the car!).

So...for those relatively few times where I'd be able to wear it on my person - do you think your basic Uncle Mike's/ect would do the trick? Or should I spring for a premium holster no matter what? If it makes a difference, I'd prefer to carry IWB...and I'm a fairly hefty guy (6 foot, around 235 pounds, wear a 42 or 44 pant depending on the fit).

And training...the great thing about where I live is that I can go out and practice in the backyard pretty well whenever I please. True, this is not 'training' in and of itself, but at least it gets me familiar with my guns.

Edited by PharmTech (01/16/06 03:03 PM)