#57910 - 01/12/06 05:01 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 07/10/03
Posts: 659
Loc: Orygun
Like others have said, the 9mm round is cheaper, which means you can hit the range more often. And like other posters have said, police officers and federal agents are using a lot of .40S&W and a lot of Glocks. I'm no expert by any means, but should you choose a Glock in .40S&W, I don't think you'll have any problems in the self-defense area. If those guys find it works well, you probably will too. Nonetheless, it all comes down to what you like/choose and are able to use effectively. I happen to like how easy the Glocks come apart. Super easy to clean often which is a GOOD thing. The G23 seems to be a good size between too-big-to-conceal and too-small-to-handle. The safety on the trigger -- not my favorite idea, but your finger shouldn't be on the trigger anyway. If it worries you that much don't keep a round chambered all the time. Here's the web site for "Glock Talk": http://glocktalk.com/I'd also choose a good CCW class -- one taught by law enforcement folks. Worth its weight in gold. On a side note; anyone use that "UDAP" bear pepper spray? Looks promising, might buy a bottle to keep for the woods.
#57912 - 01/12/06 05:29 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 12/23/05
Posts: 203
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, USA
Everyone, up to now, have made valid points. Here is my experience. When I started with my former law enforcement agency in 1990, I was issued a new HK P7M13 9mm. Our range master had us shoot every other Tuesday, regardless of weather. I put 200-300 rounds per session through the gun, for ten years. I did not have a single malfunction of any type (other than those that were created for training purposes). In 2000, we got a new range master. He converted the entire department over to Glock 22C .40 caliber. My first magazine had a failure to eject. My second magazine had a failure to feed. After changing ammo, I would experience a problem about once every 500 rounds or so. Other officer's experiences were similar. No one in my former department ever shot anyone with either a 9mm or a .40 caliber. The only shootings that we had both involved a shotgun. One was using 00-buck from about seven feet into an 80-pound dog that had his teeth sunk into a toddler. The other was a slug into the face at about 20-yards. The guy had just shot and wounded two officers from a neighboring jurisdiction. Both shots instantly incapacitated their intended targets. There were no lawsuits in either case.
I carried both guns every day, either in uniform, or off-duty. I have always been a "one gun" kind of guy. I train with one gun, and carry one gun (not including a smaller backup gun, but that is a story for a different post). After a while, its use become a reflex. But, there is a weight and size difference. CCW requires thought to wardrobe, where you are going for the day (airports and courthouses usually require you to SECURE your firearm somewhere besides your holster), and weather.
EDC of a firearm is a pain. They are ALL heavy and bulky, some more than others. That being said, all of that inconvenience only has to pay for itself once.
Comments made by others regarding shooting lots of different guns is very important. Does the firearm "fit" your hand? Does it naturally point for you? Is it reliable? You will get as many opinions as there are shooters. Good advise (generally) and lots to consider. But we are all built differently. Choose what is reliable and comfortable TO YOU to shoot AND to carry. Equally important is a good holster that works for you.
In 2005, I moved to a new department. I was not issued a firearm, but was told to go and "buy what I wanted to carry", provided I could qualify with it. I went to range training (every Monday now) and found 20 or so officers there (we are a department of 40). No two officers carried the same firearm. So, I shot one magazine through everyone's gun. Knowing that I will be in investigations (plain clothes) for the remainder of my career was a consideration in my handgun selection. I chose an HK USP Compact .40 caliber, in a shoulder holster, with 2 extra magazines on the other side. I also carry a tactical light in my left pocket (I am right-handed). The backup gun remains the same from 1990. It was the right choice for me, due to the reasons listed above. Your mileage may (and will) vary.
After you finally decide, get quality instruction and practice like your life depends upon it. Because if you CCW, your life (or those of a loved one) may someday depend on it. Someone above mentioned two shots to the chest and one to the head. If you can reliably do this with your chosen handgun, in the rain, at night, in the wind, when it is cold, at the 20-yard line, then the difference between a 9mm and a .40 caliber is NONE. The result is the same.
"We are not allowed to stop thinking"
#57913 - 01/12/06 05:41 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 09/08/05
Posts: 156
Loc: Chicago burbs
I'm not going to try to protect all the members of my profession here, but I love when I see phrases like it's a "lawyer thing." Everybody seems to forget that our systems of criminal and civil justice are based on an adversarial system, with both parties trying to convince the trier of fact, whether that be a judge or a jury, that their interpretation of events is more probable than not, or that the individual was proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have violated a criminal statute.
The "trier of fact" is the one who enters the verdict or the award. In most major cases, the "trier of fact" is twelve of you. Not twelve lawyers, but twelve people sitting in a box, who have hopefully listened to the evidence.
Just something to think about.
I hear voices....And they don't like you.
#57914 - 01/12/06 06:49 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 02/09/01
Posts: 3824
I'm friends with Jan Libourel. I'll ask him about this issue. My present personal carry is a Colt New Service .45 with 255 grain handloads ( old .454 bore) and 7 1/2" barrel. If I dont scare an adversary to death, I can use Butch Cassidy's reason for carrying a SAA in 7 1/2"- He would simply bang that barrel on the nose of uncooperative bank clerks. Theres a lot to be said for vintage wheelguns; superb triggers, the inherent safety of a heavy DA pull around children and reliability of feeding exotic ammo. Not that I need exotic ammo throwing garbage can sized slugs downrange slow enough to track . I got the argument of cartidge capacity one day at my range. I produced my Colt's mate for 12 rounds total. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
#57915 - 01/12/06 07:00 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 12/23/05
Posts: 203
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, USA
Chris, although I have never met you personally, I feel that I would probably be safe with you watching my back. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Sometimes people forget that the quickest reload is to pull a second gun. (Also handy if the first gun breaks, gets dropped, gets taken away, etc.)
"We are not allowed to stop thinking"
#57916 - 01/12/06 08:06 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 08/02/05
Posts: 73
Loc: Minnesota
Are you near a shooting range that rents guns? if so rent both and try them. I'm issued a .40 glock (mdl 23) and had to retire my 1911 <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />. It's reliable, and accurate, and "cop proof". I can't shoot the same gun in 9mm for anything. The ballance is diffrent. I can shoot the baby 9, but not the mid or full sized ones. the recoil felt diffrent also. Please try them both and when you buy one spend another $275 or so and get a Ciener .22lr conversion unit so you can shoot to your heart's content and get good with it.
Have fun in choosing, and Stay Safe.
It's a Jungle out there.
#57917 - 01/12/06 08:40 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 02/27/05
Posts: 232
Loc: Wild Wonderful WV
Chris, although I have never met you personally, I feel that I would probably be safe with you watching my back.
Sometimes people forget that the quickest reload is to pull a second gun. (Also handy if the first gun breaks, gets dropped, gets taken away, etc.) The Old New York Reload has always had a soft spot in my heart!! <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
When the wolf attacks he will find that some who run with the flock are not sheep!
#57918 - 01/12/06 09:11 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 09/05/01
Posts: 384
Loc: Colorado Springs, CO
I'm familiar with the one incident that spawned this urban myth. It involved a handloader trying to make a .40S&W hit the max pressure of the .10mm Auto. I belive that there was a "budget" after market barrel involved as well, possibly in an attempt to convert a 9mm to .40SW, but I'm not as possitive of that part of the incident. It has never been mentioned, but I also would not be suprised if there was a barrel obstruction that was never detected. In any case, the overpressure is confirmed, and there has only been that one confirmed and documented case. Here is some reading... http://www.thegunzone.com/glock/glock-kb-faq.htmlAnd in case you missed is, here is a snippet of a post in this thread by Alejandro Also I have witness, not been told, at least five incidents with Glock pistols chambered for the 40S&W round.
-- Darwin was wrong -- I'm still alive
#57919 - 01/12/06 09:29 PM
Re: Glock 9mm vs. .40? Opinions wanted, please!
Registered: 09/04/05
Posts: 417
Loc: Illinois
Yeah, but necco wafers don't shoot back. Make mine a .45, I know that'll knock a man down, not put him into shock. 'Course, given the choice of a rolled up magazine or a ball bat, I'll take the bat every time too.
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