I have been in several real survival situations. Luckily it was always while properly equipped. I have carried a backpack whenever in the woods for decades now and will always do so. Having the right equipment and more importantly how to use it all is paramount. The last time I had to spend an unintended night out was when snowmobiling here in Montana. I and two others were back near Carpp Ridge next to the Pintler Wilderness area of SW Montana when my machine went "chi-chi's arriba"........I was not going to leave my sled out there, and had enough gear so I told my friends to come back in the morning with the equipment I needed to get going and they left. I spent the night under a large spruce in relative comfort. I had food, water, and my Wiggy's -20F bag with me, so I just relaxed and waited for them to come back the next day. Being prepared prevents survival situations! JB