I just received my 'permanent match' today. I've only tested it for a few minutes, but here are my initial impressions:
It's pretty much what I expected, but a lot smaller than I expected, about 1.5"(plus 1/4" for the striker cap)x1"x1/3". Only 3 sides are made of metal, and 3 sides including the top and bottom are some kind of plastic. There is a short chain and keychain clip attached to it, but I wouldn't trust it at all. The very thin ferrocerium rod makes sparks easily, but the wick doesn't catch every time. After looking at the picture of the Coghlan's tinder kit, I realized it's the exact same thing minus the tinder, but possibly a different manufacturer. I should note that it is made in China.

The main problem I see with this is the ferrocerium rod, which I expect will wear out very quickly with regular use. The other concern I have is that it seems to hold very little fuel. The size of the unit would seem to imply that it holds a good amount, but during filling it overflowed very quickly, and seemed to have a very limited capacity. Time will tell if this is true.

That said, I think there are a lot of positives. It is simple, reliable, and has no moving parts. I like the fact that the flame has more 'reach' than most fire starting devices, since it's like holding a match where the flame stays at the end. The problem of the small ferro rod can be mitigated by carrying a seperate ferro rod or sparking device, which most of us would and should be doing anyway. If the fuel runs out, it is still useful as a sparker, and sparks with little effort. In my opinion, the small size, weight, and dirt cheap cost make it practical in any kit larger than a PSK, and possibly in a PSK as well. The sides could also be polished for use as a mediocre signal mirror for PSKs, although if using a metal tin for your PSK then obviously that's your better option.

As far as blowing out the flame vs. extinguishing it in the case, I tried it both ways and there was not difference except for a small puff of smoke when extinguishing it in the case. I'm not concerned about lighting the fuel because even if it caught fire, it wouldn't be explosive and the fire would be put out immediately be closing the cap. For now I'll stick to blowing it out, because it seems that way makes less smoke, and less smoke means less damage to the wick.

I would like to see a version with a bigger ferro rod, perhaps even a flat rod covering the entire side, and a more secure attachement for a keychain or lanyard would be nice, but I won't hold my breath. So far I would reccomend it and will probably order more, but I would also reccomend carrying another reliable firestarting method(as if I actually need to tell you people this!).