For someone who doesn't smoke, a disposable butane would probably suffice. Look for the type with the opaque body so that you can visually determine butane level. Also check for flame adjustability before purchase. Some will provide a small blowtorch like flame.

That being said, I'm a smoker (my only vice), and always carry a Zippo. Although the design is not high tech, its design is superb in its simplicity and results. It will light in high winds (i.e. motorcycle, fishing boat motoring across the lake), holds an extra flint, and can be used as a sparker if necessary. The downside is carrying the fuel, which is Naptha based. The fluid can be skin irritant. I usually carry a small can of fluid in my pack, coated in duct tape and bagged.

Being a traditionalist, an added benefit is that the fuel also works in the 2 old-fashioned hand warmers I keep in my cold weather gear. I do not recall the name, but they resemble a closed Zippo lighter stuffed in a red flannel bag.


PS Another benefit of carrying lighter fluid is as a white trash fire starter.
I hear voices....And they don't like you.