Chris,<br><br>Hey, I said it was a minority opinion.. but I don't think we really disagree much, if at all. I have much looser criteria for what goes in my pack/shoulder pouch than what goes in the PSK itself, and include a LOT of convenience items there... but I really want the PSK to be opened only in emergency situations, and to contain only what I might need to get out of the emergency.<br><br>My PSK (whichever) is very personal to me, I don't have it stocked or set up with others in mind- for instance, I'm not currently carrying any instructions, other than the label on the bottle of iodine tablets, and that's mostly to prevent it from being misidentified. I admit the contents might be different if I were, say, a scoutmaster making an example for others.<br><br>If I were taking responsibility for other individuals beforehand, I'd probably create another PSK for each person.. but it still wouldn't have a tea bag, as I'd be taking THEIR survival much more seriously than their comfort. ;-)<br><br>I tend to think that the whole candy/bouillon/tea bag thing started partly to cater to those who instinctively think of food as the first survival need (because they’ve never thought about it), but mostly just as a really cheap way to increase the item count in commercial kits.<br>