Okay, so I will probably win an award for the worst posts, but I find Id rather ask lots of questions and look dumb than ask no question and look dumber. So, I was curious about knives. What is in a good knife that is well made for wilderness survival and living? I was looking at a Ka-bar 5-1/4" Partially Serrated Clip-Point Blade Short Black Fixed Knife with 1095 carbon steel, 56-58 HRC or a Ka-bar 5-1/4" Plain Clip-Point Blade Short USMC Fixed Knife with same grade steel, both at www.cheaperthandirt.com . Alot of this is Greek to me. What is a good knife, one that can be used for a variety of things (axe, other tools, weapon, whatever else)? More specifically, what is a good metal, width, material for the handle and sheath? Are serrations and other special features to the blade really important? I pretty much am sold on a knife that is fixed and has 5" to 6" long blade. What else is important?