Hmm. I think I'm expressing myself poorly- what I had envisioned is using the top horizontal wire of the grid the way I think you're suggesting using a wire loop- in other words, bend the vertical wire ends inward at the top horizontal wire. If I remember how the stuff handles, you have to be careful bending every "other" wire, the ones that bend away from the crosswire instead of over- you run the risk of breaking solder joints. Maybe alternate directions with the weave would be better, so they're all going "over".<br><br>Didn't mean to misrepresent the suggestion as experience, I haven't made one yet. I've thought about it from time to time.. like most people, I think, I have the gut feeling that there must be an easier way to do the filler...and the windscreen seems very dependent on the pot you're using, which varies from trip to trip... <br><br>I was a little surprised that he recommends snips for the soda cans. The operation he describes for scoring the line will produce a nice clean, straight cut if you persist for several rotations- I've done it with a penknife for other reasons. The thicker cans are another matter- haven't tried it.<br><br>I still use my old Svea if the trip is too short to require refueling, and a multi-fuel Whisperlite if it's longer. They're heavier, of course, but without having done the math it would seem that the extra energy in white gas would make a lighter total package (stove, fuel, bottles) for long trips.