I may have also misunderstood your plans. From what you've said in this latest, you are going down to show people what you consider to be the way at thier invitation becuase someone else has already converted them. It's possible they converted themselves, even.

I had origionally understood you were looking to preach to the "dirty heathens". Or maybe just the "poor lost souls". In either case, preach at them until they convert and repent and all that other stuff that people do when they've been beaten down. Sorry, I'm a "dirty heathen", and I'm not terribly fond people who get it into thier head to go on a great Crusade, even they aren't bringing fire and sword with them this time.

As for missionaries vs mercs, mercs do things for the money, missionaries do the same things becuase "god wills it".

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.