One particularly nice thing about SW is that you will have some entertainment. It isn't just will have music. You will also have news that does NOT have a USA media 'spin' on it. Some will be biased Against the USA (depending on what country you are listening to)....however....the analog SW will have some static during tuning/listening. Also (in the US most of SW stations are active late at night) so if you are trying for daytime listening....SW may not be the way to go....Not to mention.... SW stations will change their broadcast times, frequencies and locations. If you have an analog tuner (as is shown) then you may not be certain as to what you are listening to. When I first got one I bought the analog tuner. I now know why they reccomend digital tuning for is MUCH easier to KNOW what you are tuning into. That said...I do have fun 'searching the SW' for things....