The human race has dealt with famine, disease, predators and accidents for thousands of years (the thousands part fits in nicely with the "intelligent design" theory). So, is there anything different now? Yes, its very politically correct these days to NOT let people die of natural actions, and we have global communications. I'm not trying to devalue life, but sometimes mother nature will trump us individually. Me, I'll do the normal things of eat right, exercise and try to stay healthy. What else am I going to do? Panic? Lock myself in my apartment installing an air lock, and massive air scrubbers (can't because of my lease)? I guess if I want to get outdoors, I could wear a Level 4 containment suit with an airpack. That should give me about an hour outside.

If it's your time to go, its your time to go. Now, I'm not saying be gung ho and go right in the middle of places where its known to be, just do as you normally would for things like violent areas of your city, avoid them!

From what I've heard so far, and I'm probably wrong, it may have jumped to humans but as of right now, it is not as contagious as the original bird flu. Give it time, and it will be, but right now its not. Yes, the possibility of it ravaging the human race is a strong possibility because of air travel and a lack of previous exposure to the virus.

When it comes to your door, you'll find out if you have "strong" genes or "weak" genes for this threat. If you manage to survive, you'll be around to pass your "strong" genes onto the next generation, if you haven't already.

If you're religious, pray. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />