That I will definitely agree with. If things get so bad that I gotta leave my home, then brothers and sisters, things are bad!!!

I don't think that is really what this forum is about. But when faced with two extreme choices, both of which are repugnant to me, I will tend to choose in favor of my own destiny as opposed to putting my trust and faith in any government run program. All these TEOTWAWKI and what if scenarios are good for is to get us thinking. Perhaps we have been over-emphasizing the value of that exercise (I blame the media, who espouse doom and gloom to boost ratings). It is prudent to stockpile, fortify, and educate, but not to excess. Burt Gummer is a bit of a fanatic, albeit a mythical hero to many. With all the toys the producers give him, I could afford to be a little eccentric as well.

Perhaps the best lesson we can extract from such activity as this thread has produced is just how fragile our delicate lives are, how much comfort we live in and take for granted day to day.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)