I'm just trying to get a good definition for what the original post was saying. There's heading for the safe house, or the rendevous, or the home away from home, or whatever pre-prepared, more civilized long term shelter situation we can plan for. That's one case that is a possibility in certain scenarios.
Then there's the "ultimate catastrophe" or the "I can't get to anywhere I am going to be comfortable at" scenarios, where you can't maybe choose exactly where to head to, or are familiar with, or you got there only to find out it too was toast situation. What do you do if there's no cabin to get to, despite all your prior planning and investment. That, to me, is more indicative of a bonafide bugs bunny type "Head for the Hills" episode. You take only what you can pack and live off it for as long as possible, forget making to anywhere except away from immediate danger. That is how I was trying to define Head for the hills, the way I thought the originator meant it. Otherwise I am going to be reading my survival books by lamplight in front of a nice cozy woodstove with my dogs at my feet and my wife and kids in the kitchen or beside me.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)