You enlighten their views, point them in the right direction, and hopefully they will be ready. It helps them become more responsible for their own existence, which I think all of us want.

I am not sure that I agree that you can enlighten anybody, you can express your view and they may or may not agree with what you are saying. It has been my experience that most people learn by trial and error (theirs or someone elses) and sometimes to drive the point home a hearty "I told you so!" helps as well. The only other way to Enlighten them is to show them (ie: Katrina) and then say I told you so!

I noticed that you and I are roughly from the same neck of the woods. Our views and what we see as very realistic and "do-able" plans, are something that someone in a different region of the country, thinks is a fantasy. We have the options of being within 5 hours of each border and our choice of mountainous Elk Park or flat Ft. Morgan. Our options are as limited as our needs demand. I understand where some of our peers are coming from. EPI
A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson