Where can one live that is immune to disaster? I am guessing that this is VERY valuable real estate and would like to invest there!

My wife works for USAA (familiar to some military/ex-military forumites) at their Phoenix location. Reportedly, the decision to construct a regional facility in the Phoenix-area vs. other considered locations was influenced in some measure by the infrequent occurrence of natural disasters of any significance, e.g. weather (no major flooding; few tornadoes; no hurriances); modest earthquake activity, last active volcano 12th century; wildfire hazard geographically distant, etc. All legitimate considerations for a business. Immune though? As said, no such thing.

Drought, OTOH, could be a problem one of these days. <img src="/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
"Things that have never happened before happen all the time." — Scott Sagan, The Limits of Safety