In some cases, yes. Civilizes shelter and comfort is nearly always preferable to "hermitizing in the wilds". There are very few plausible scenarios where evading civilization at all costs makes any sense. A pandemic might be one case (the "Outbreak" scenario), invasion another (the "Red Dawn" scenario). Beyond that, and I would question the rationale.

Moving from one Metropolitan area to another, especially in the west, often means passing through wilderness, or at best rural expanses. If it is not possible to make the commute in a day, then you need to be prepared to overnight it or more without the luxuries civilized habitation affords.

The Discovery channel has been airing some interesting, though unlikely what-if scenarios about the Yellowstone Caldera, Tsunamis and such. Sitting and watching these ficticious programs (likened to Cruise's "War of the Worlds fantasy), I was constantly reminded of this forum, and the people who share space here on it with me. I guess we are all a little bit what-if freaks. I found myself analyzing the information, first for veracity, then to determine what countermeasures could be implemented to avoid calamity.

If things ever got bad enough that folks like us are left barely clinging to humanity, then I would hope that all our discussion and preparation makes a difference. I think it is a tonic for us to admit just how truly frail mankind is. It sure doesn't take much to push us over, despite all our intelligence and evolution, we are still more or less at the mercy of nature. Some relatively subtle, nearly indetectable event (in the big scheme of things) can still just about wipe us out.

I am still left wondering if we will ever advance our technology to the point where we can actually have a chance of preventing our demise (the "Armageddon" scenario).
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)