I was just highlighting the "What if you can't get to a Car, etc", angle of it.
And while a large purpose of Kit and Gear *is* to get oneself to a higher Level of Civilization / Preparation, -"Back to the World"!, so to speak, -It is also to keep one Alive and hopefully Well, -*Until* one can get back to such Normal World. "Until and Unless", regarding that. For Until such time, -*that* is your World! This Wild and Natural World, -is of course the Natural, -or Default state, -of Man and Things in Life. take Away any or all of our 20th and 21st century Technology and Conveniences, -and *thats* what we've got! On a Global Time Scale, -it *wasn't* long ago at all!, that we were back in 1600s / 1700s, and earlier times! All the way back to Caveman Days! *Thats* the Far Longer Stretch! Thats the Natural Default and State of Man!, and his World! The Current State and "Progress" of Developed Civilization as we now Stand, -is in many ways a Fine Platform! But its nevertheless just that!, -a Platform, -an Artificial Platform! Pull that rug out from under us, -on which we Rely and Stand, -and we're left with the oftentimes Hard Floor, -of Natural, Wilderness Survival! Yes, -Lets ultimately and preferentially get back to the Rug, Platform, and World, -Gear and Preps can be a Great Assist here. But *Until* this is so achieved, -things more akin to the Stone Age, -rather than the Space Age, -*is* our Default and World in which we find ourselves! I Agree that equipment is to get back to your Higher World and Purpose. But Differ that that is as much as its only purpose. What Counts at least as much, -is in how it Serves you, -*Before* you "Get Back to the World"!
*No* Hard Feelings, Disrespect, or Inaccuracy intended! Please don't so worry!, -and if I've Riled or Offended in any way, -I Fully and Duly Apologize. Such was Not my intention.
Be it either Stay in Place, Bug Out to the other side of the World, or a middle ground of "Going to Grandma's House (however one can or does do it), -These are personal preferences and choices. My own tilts considerably to greatly to the Hills, or some other part of the Country / World. Your's is far more to the Stay Put / Go to other familiar locations, -sort of thing. Just Different personal evaluations and preferences.That's all.
But while you more likely wing it in Place, -I'll more likely be Winging it, -should Due Need ever arise, -in the Hills!
I'm a Country Boy anyway! And like the saying goes, -"You can take the boy out of the Country, -but you Can't take the Country out of the boy!" Urbanized for many years now, -this certainly applies to me! I'm IN the Urban World, -but very much NOT *of* it! I Fondly Remember of "Back Where I Come From!" So "Take me Home Country Roads!", and "Thank God I'm a Country Boy!". Your Roots are probably a lot more Urban than mine. Entirely OK!, -To Each their Own! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]gulliamo[/email]
Edited by ScottRezaLogan (12/20/05 12:56 AM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.