As much as I'm for immediately saying, "head for the hills", which would be my preference if at all possible, you better make sure you know who's hills your heading into. During Katrina some were lucky and only turned away, others unfortunately were turned away at gunpoint and they were moving along public roads.
Now imagine traipsing across someone's land, someone with a dislike for trespassers and an itchy trigger finger to boot.
If you run into the wrong person in such a situation, things could get hairy real quick.
If worse comes to worse, lose yourself in a big National Park for a while. It would be better to be caught "surviving" there than elsewhere if I had my guess... I didn't say that though. :P
Know where you're going. Check it out ahead of time. Meet the locals. Let others know your intended route.
"Learn survival skills when your life doesn't depend on it."