Head for the hills.

Evac centers or as I like to call them concentration camps are a last resort. For me then only if forced there by armed personel.

First anything not on the approved list will be stolen. And brother that list is very short. If the inspector takes a shine to something of yours. Guess what? It ain't on the list. Of course any food much beyond a small bag of candy will be confiscated to be evenly distributed for the good of all. Got two blankets.We'll take one to give to someone else in need. All things mentioned above are definately not on the list.

All medication must be turned over to them. That way you must go hat in hand to get your regular dosage. The more to control you. And then only at their conveniance not on your schedule.

Basicly think os airport security on steroids.

I would easily fair better on my own. And should be able to find a better suituation.
When in danger or in doubt
run in circles scream and shout

And always remember TANSTAAFL