One issue I've been struggling with is spending the money for PSK items that may never see the light of day ... ever. I estimate that I'll end up spending somewhere between $50 -$75 (or even more) to outfit my kit by the time I'm done. Now some folks have jobs and avocations, such as flying, that put them at a higher risk to find thmselves in an emergency situation. For them, $100 is a cheap insurance policy.<br><br>Others, such as myself, are at low to moderate risk levels and it is more probable that I will never unseal my PSK except to replace expired meds and such. And that's not a big problem becasue I recognize that (a) if that minority emergency event does occur, I am prepared, and (b) the process of researching, assembling and practicing with the components has made me more prepared for an emergency.<br><br>The recent threads on tins, which displayed how folks have personal preferences in containers, and on what's allowable on board a commercial aircaft, have made me wonder if there's a way to create a modular PSK system.<br><br>For example, a Photon LED light would be a useful item in a full-blown wlderness survival PSK. And it would be equally important in an FAA friendly PSK. So do I create two kits where there's a great deal of redundancy. Or can a modular kit be devised where the FAA Friendly PSK piggy-backs onto the Wilderness PSK? Something like two half-hieght Altoids tins. One for Wilderness that's wrapped in electrical tape and para-cord. And the other for planes, office dress, urban carry, etc. When it's time to head for the hills where a wilderness emergency may occur, combine the two by securring them together with ranger bands (i.e. bicycle inner tube sections).<br><br>I don't have any real suggestions yet, just soliciting comments and ideas..
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL