Have bought several items from TAD; all first-class quality. Likewise, the life capsule is aesthetically pleasing (it is a pretty-looking thing), and looks to be well-made. But, for me, it?s a big price to pay for modest functionality: limited storage capacity; Glo-Toob compartment provides little more than find-in-the-dark capability; Brunton compass is OK, but is still a button compass.

Strikes me as something for the ?gentleman preparedness geek? ? more form than function ? or as Ironraven put it, ?survivor bling.? A K&M matchcase and a Photon will provide greater capability, and leave you with $120 to spend on a nice knife, or whatever. OTOH, the life capsule will certainly get admiring glances from friends and family (and gulps when you tell them the price tag).

Groo said, ?I?m sitting here with a $200 flashlight (HDS U60).? And I?ve got a $40 ARC AAA on my keychain. Relatively expensive for flashlights, BUT in return, they?re among the very best of their kind ? and highly functional.

One test: By carrying this piece of gear, would I modify/reduce my existing EDC, and/or will it provide useful redundancy?

Then there?s the ultimate test: Have you run this by ?Mrs. Ors,? and what does she say?? <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
"Things that have never happened before happen all the time." — Scott Sagan, The Limits of Safety