This relates to an idea I've had lately. It can perhaps be called "Blindness Practice". Simply, -its practicing making your way around a room, yard, or other area, -with your eyes completely shut or blindfolded. This can be a Boon someday, -shud you ever find yourself actually blinded, -or in an otherwise entirely Dark emergency situation. And I don't mean this to apply to only familiar situations or areas. Having some Aquaintence and Ability here, -can come in mighty handy, -even in an entirely unfamiliar area.
I've also thought about similar practice in a vehicle. (as a passenger of course). Towards knowing which direction, way, and etc that your vehicle be traveling / turning. To the extent such ability to discern may even be possible, in humans. (I know this is humanly IMpossible in Instrunment Flying. There, -the idea has occurred to me, -for some kind of sealed, transparent, water containing device, -to be carried along in the cockpit, -for any such emergency. Flight Instrunments entirely out! Then you can know what kind of Dangerous Bank and all, -Flight Attitude, -that your plane is actually in.). Such vehicular blindfold practice, -*may* be eminently useful, -for say POWs in transport. How many times have I read about such blindfolded etc POWs, -being entirely Clueless!, -about the direction and all, -they are so traveling! At the least, -you can sense and take mental note, -of the turns and bends that your vehicle is making. And try to guage some sense out of that!
(I'm aware that a Hood is sometimes placed over the Pilot's head / or Screen over the cockpit window, -on an otherwise Fine VFR Flying Day, -as a part of Instrunment ((IFR)) training. But this is of course when the Plane's flight instrunments are working Fine! I'm not referring to this situation, -in my "Water Level" idea.).
I suggest people try some "Blindness Practice". Starting in familiar areas and situations, of course. You never know if or when, -you may find yourself *actually* Blind !, -or otherwise out in the Dark!
(The same goes for what I call "Balancing Practice". Its been a longstanding pastime of mine, -to Balance and Walk, on Fences, Railings, Railroad Tracks, etc etc! A number of times along Railroad Trax, -I've gone on for miles and miles! Nice little Challenge to see how Far and Long you can go!, -without Slipping or otherwise falling off!). [color:"black"] [/color] [email]hthomp[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.