I regret spending the time reading that thing. It was insane and both those guys are idiots. Even if they had all that stuff needing refrigeration, the 5500 watt generator and its endless appetite for gasoline was total overkill and as others have said, they'd have done better with a propane generator, preferably much smaller, or just skip the generator and have canned food on hand. A fridge uses what, 100 watts average? The kerosene lamp was silly too, a fire hazard, smelly, etc. An LED flashlight putting out equivalent light can run for weeks on a few batteries. The truck with 200 mile range doesn't seem like that hot an escape vehicle. There was no mention of stored water. A shortwave radio wouldn't have had any better info than the am/fm radio. If they really wanted comm stuff, satellite internet would have been the ticket. Anyway the whole thing was nuts. Sigh.