What world do you live in? Most cops shoot once or twice a year. Then only because they have to. Many cops carry guns because it's part of the uniform. My department just cancled the night/incliment weather shoot because it was too cold for the "office jocks" to be outside at -5 degrees. It doesn't stop some of us gun nuts, but most cops can't or don't shoot, period.

I'll get off my soap box before some starts throwing tomatos or worse. A hit with a .22 is far better than a miss with any other caliber. If you want one, it's cheap to shoot so practice, practice, practice...until you don't miss at the distance of the longest room in your home. I've been known to carry a .22LR mini revolver in the past and have shot it so much that it has been sent to the factory thrice after it went out of time. To be fair there was between 3000 and 5000 rounds shot through it each time. However with any handgun but especially a smaller caliber if you need to use it for defence, keep shooting until the bad guy has stopped his assault.

Take care and Stay Safe
It's a Jungle out there.