
Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad I could give you an idea you could expand upon for your own needs.

This was the reason for my book. It is supposed to get your mental juices flowing. Most people who are not survival kit aficionados indicate that the book is very helpful. However, from the "experts", I keep hearing things like "I don't understand why he selected certain items for certain kits". I didn't "select" them. I am trying to get people to select their own items. Also, trying to get people to look at the size of different items, and the container they plan on using. Then select the type of component that will fit the container. They are all just examples of how a kit "could" be built. The only kit in the book that I actually built for me was the large "H.A.W.G." pack, and of course that has changed many time since the book went to print. The book is an exercise, not gospel. I'm glad people disagree with the specific components. They should. They should be selecting components that they are comfortable with and that work for them; not me or someone else. Then package them in containers that work for them; not me or someone else. If people who read the book do that, then I guess my mission was a success. Again thanks for the vote of confidence.

I'm confused...Wait...Maybe I'm not.