I have them in my bug out bag. They are far lighter than most food (yes, far less calories too) but they assist with a few key needs. First, not only do they not need cooking, can be eaten frozen, but they also come in a bottle that is a perfect canteen.

They also are pressed tablets which means that even if exposed to the air for a year or so (provided they don't get rained on and you don't have much steam near them) You can scrape off the discolored portion (1 mm tops) and eat the rest. The main reason I have them in my pack is to make other people feel better. They see "survival tabs" and think they are magic -and for that reason they are.

I've lived off of them for a week to test out what 12 tabs a day would do to someone and I learned much. First, I wasn't hungry the entire week (like I thought I would be) and second I didn't have to deficate after the first day. My energy level didn't change either.

If I were really worried about food (and I'm not that worried) I'd grab some mainstay rations too.

Just my thoughts