I've always assumed the scalpel was there to cut the cord or thread as needed, cut the Tinder-Quik tabs in half, or to do some "filleting" of whatever critters you might be lucky enough to catch IF you are silly/forgetful enough not to suppliment the kit with a decent knife.

A scalpel will do little for carving wood even if you are crafty enough to fashion a handle, and generally will dull fast enough that they won't last long if you try to use them on wood.

The scalpels are tiny and an easy addition. In the event I don't have a knife, I'd rather have them with me than nothing.

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I'll continue to stress the importance of making sure that you suppliment the little kits with some kind of sufficient shelter item(s), wether it is a poncho, plastic bags, space blanket(s), plastic tarp(s), or nylon tarp(s). In many situations the thing that is most likely to kill is exposure to the elements.

<<Soapbox Mode Off>>

Ken K.